Partenaires de jeu
Right To Play s’est allié à plusieurs entreprises et organisations qui croient à l’investissement et à l’engagement continus. Elles nous permettent de multiplier les endroits dans le monde où nous pouvons autonomiser davantage d’enfants insurgés.
Our Global Partners
Bard Foundation
Chamandy Foundation
Cowater International
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Education Cannot Wait
ELMA Foundation
Flutter International
Future Skills Centre
Global Affairs Canada
Goldman Sachs Gives
Government of Norway
Government of Ontario
International Development Research Centre
Kingdom of the Netherlands
Leslois Shaw Foundation
LFC Foundation
Light Foundation
Office of Foreign Affairs of the Principality of Liechtenstein
Olympic Refuge Foundation
Postcode Loterij
Postcode Lottery
Slaight Family Foundation
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
The LEGO Foundation
Tom Wilhelmsen's Foundation
UEFA Foundation
UK Aid
Help Them Rise
You can transform a child's life.
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