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For 25 years, we have been protecting, educating, and empowering children to rise above adversity through the power of play.

Learn how

Jeder Euro hilft, ihr Potential zu entfalten

Jeden Tag sehen sich Millionen Kinder mit Armut, schlechter oder gänzlich fehlender Bildung, Krankheit und Krieg konfrontiert. Vielen von ihnen bleibt eine selbstbestimmte Zukunft durch Hindernisse wie Kinderarbeit, Zwangsheirat, Analphabetismus und Ungleichheit verwehrt.

Right To Play macht Kinder stark, ermöglicht ihnen, ihr Potential zu entfalten und dadurch kulturelle, wirtschaftliche und geschlechterspezifische Hürden zu überwinden. Helfen Sie Kindern ihre Zukunft selbst in die Hand zu nehmen.

Potential freisetzen

Jeder Euro hilft, ihr Potential zu entfalten

Jeden Tag sehen sich Millionen Kinder mit Armut, schlechter oder gänzlich fehlender Bildung, Krankheit und Krieg konfrontiert. Vielen von ihnen bleibt eine selbstbestimmte Zukunft durch Hindernisse wie Kinderarbeit, Zwangsheirat, Analphabetismus und Ungleichheit verwehrt.

Right To Play macht Kinder stark, ermöglicht ihnen, ihr Potential zu entfalten und dadurch kulturelle, wirtschaftliche und geschlechterspezifische Hürden zu überwinden. Helfen Sie Kindern ihre Zukunft selbst in die Hand zu nehmen.

Potential freisetzen


We reach millions of children each year in some of the most difficult places on earth, helping them to stay in school and learn, overcome prejudice, heal from trauma, and develop the skills they need to thrive.

See the change


We reach millions of children each year in some of the most difficult places on earth, helping them to stay in school and learn, overcome prejudice, heal from trauma, and develop the skills they need to thrive.

See the change


We empower millions of children each year through play-based learning that builds critical skills like confidence, collaboration, and problem-solving. By fostering a love of learning and equipping children with tools to overcome challenges, we help them create lasting change in their lives, families, and communities.

See how we play


Play is one of the most transformative forces in a child’s life. But for too many children, play is out of reach. We harness the power of play to transform children’s lives.

See how we play


Every day the children in our programs rise above challenges that rob them of their dignity, their promise, and put them at risk. We honour these Uprisers.

Children like Mamerte, 14, who was displaced from her home and faced stigma due to her disability but is now excelling in school and advocating for children’s rights. This is her journey.

Read her story

Echte Geschichten. Echte Wirkung.

Every day the children in our programs rise above challenges that rob them of their dignity, their promise, and put them at risk. We honour these Uprisers.

Children like Mamerte, 14, who was displaced from her home and faced stigma due to her disability but is now excelling in school and advocating for children’s rights. This is her journey.

Read her story


You can transform a child's life.

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