The Confidence to Learn: Victoria’s Story
Victoria is a bright and determined nine-year-old student in northern Tanzania. Her eyes spark with inquisitiveness and determination. From the first moment you meet her, you know she’s a force.
Victoria dreams of being a doctor. Victoria knows that to achieve her dream, she has to do well in school. In the past, girls and boys at her school often didn't mix, and girls’ participation in class wasn’t valued.
A few years ago, her teacher, Tumaini, received training from Right To Play on how to make her classroom and her lessons engaging and inclusive for both girls and boys. Since then, Victoria has been thriving, inspiring her peers to do well, and getting closer and closer to her own big dream.
The Enhancing Quality and Inclusive Education (EQIE) project is possible thanks to the generous support of NORAD. EQIE works to improve access to quality education for marginalized children, including children with disabilities, in Ethiopia, Lebanon, Mozambique, the Palestinian Territories, and Tanzania.