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Barbara Keller

** Honorary Board Member **

Barbara Keller's (CH/1958) passion for racehorses and sport in general brought her through various stations to her long-standing commitment to Right To Play. She got to know the organization in 2004 and was given the mandate to set it up in Switzerland on a volunteer basis. With her as director and later as president, more than 30 top Swiss athletes were recruited as ambassadors and 3,000 donors, who have helped to raise around 30 million Swiss francs for children in disadvantaged areas to date. With Right To Play, she has been instrumental in raising awareness of sport and play as a significant factor in the social development of underprivileged children.

Previously, she spent years working for prestigious racing teams in England, Australia and New Zealand. During the 1980s, she and her husband ran an international stud farm for thoroughbred horses in Ireland. After returning to Switzerland, she was involved in the Engadine for ten years as a member of the White Turf Racing Association for the expansion and strategic positioning of international relations in racing. Further commitments to the community and sports followed: board member/vice president of the Ski Club Alpina St. Moritz (2001 - 2007), founding member of the Rowing Club St. Moritz.

Barbara Keller now runs her own stud farm and is the mother of a grown-up son.