Right To Play Program Results and Outlook (2017-2019)
Over the last 3 years we have continued to expand our programs to reach more children in 15 countries, creating new opportunities through play for those in vulnerable situations to experience quality education and acquire the life skills they need to succeed.
Rising Up Against Displacement
There are millions of displaced children worldwide. We work to ensure that they have access to a quality education.
“I felt there was a new world opening for me”: In conversation with Aissa Traore and the Brookings Institution’s Rebecca Winthrop
We spoke to Aissa and Rebecca Winthrop, Senior Fellow and Co-Director of the Center for Universal Education at the Brookings Institution and Right To Play Board Member, about the barriers girls face in accessing a quality education and how to dismantle them, the effects of the COVID crisis, and the transformative effect of education on a girl’s life and future.
We Rise Against Child Labour
Child labour is one of the most pressing issues Right To Play works on. It sits at the intersection of poverty, diminished expectations, and systemic failures that come together to limit children’s futures and endanger their lives.
How We're Responding To COVID-19
The children we work with are some of the most vulnerable in the world and are particularly susceptible to the effects of a crisis like COVID-19.
Help Them Rise
You can transform a child's life.
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